To write a comprehensive history book on a town such as Redditch and all the various events and activities that have made up its history would be a major project. We were always told in business when asked the question “How do you eat an Elephant” that the answer is “One bite at a time”. Therefore we have started on our comprehensive history of Redditch in a similar manner - one bite at a time.
Each of the booklets given here is a “bite” of Redditch History. We hope one day we will have eaten the elephant.
The index below gives a list of the topics documented so far, to read that document follow the links associated with the symbols.
The Reading Room at the Literary & Scientific Institute.
Source: Redditch Historic Archives
Redditch & Bordesley Abbey
An information Booklet on why Redditch owes its history to Bordesley Abbey.
An information Booklet on the first Bus services between Redditch and Birmingham.
An information Booklet describing the waterways of the Batchley Valley and the history of the Red Ditch..
An information Booklet on Church Road, its Builds, its history and its peoples.
The History of Further Education in Redditch
An information Booklet that looks back on how the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Redditch encourage further education amongs the working clases and how it has developed over the years.
An information Booklet describing the once prosperous Ferny Hill Brick works making bricks to build Redditch properties.
An information Booklet a Redditch institution, Heaphys Men's Outfitters.
The History Health in Redditch
An information Booklet that looks back on how the Health of Redditch residents has been investigated, addressed and improved over the years
The Story of High Duty Alloys
Tony Buttler, an aviation historian and author, and a former HDA employee, tells the story of one of the UK's most famous, but often overlooked, name in the British Aircraft Industry.
An information Booklet Humphries shoe shop which celebrated its 150 year anniversary in 2012.
Keep The Home Fires Burning
Sue Tatlow takes a look at home during the 1914-18 wars to see how life was coping, but changing, here.
The Long Crendon Connection
Needle Making spread out from London in the 17th century but gradulay consolidated on a number of locations. AS the dominance of Redditch grew, the needle makers in Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire, to drastic action to survive.
An information Booklet recalling a little known fact of the lake just north of Bordesley.
An information Booklet which describes the demise of the Railway line sout of Redditch in the 1960's.
An information Booklet on on the listed Monument of Moons Moat about which we know so little.
In the 19th century there was competition between the denominations to raise funds and build schools. The Church of England formed the Anglican National Society and built the so-called National Schools' across England.
Extracts from “Old Redditch Voics” by Anne Bradford
Point, Pots and Longevity
An information Booklet which gives an insight to the fascinating lives of the Redditch Neddle Pointers.
The Partridges & Spencers
An information Booklet on two famous Redditch families, The Partridges and the Spencers.
An information Booklet on another Redditch landmark, the Palace Theatre, 100 years old in 2013.
An information Booklet describing a brief history of the Railway line in Redditch.
An information Booklet on the history of Smallwood Hospital.
The Literary and Scientific Institute
An information Booklet summarising the history of adult education in Redditch.
Redditch History In Print
A look a Wiiliam Heming, The Redditch Indicator and how Redditch History has neen reported in the local Papers